This is what it looked like originally. Many people have commented how it wasn't a bad bathroom and I agree. But it just wasn't our style of bathroom. It was too blue. I mean there were tiles all the way up to the ceiling (which my husband will later hate taking down!)
It also had shower doors, which for some reason my husband hates (I don't mind them).
And this is the old vanity
So first thing, out went the shower doors!
And then the tiles
If you ever wondered what a gutted room looks like, keep reading
I had no idea that under wall or tiles it looked so ugly! And then it becomes a tedious work of pulling out layer after layer of whatever you find under the tiles.
Under the wood, we found the old insulation. And that's when I remembered to panic trying to figure out if it could have been asbestos. I took pictures and compared them online. It doesn't look like asbestos, but simple foam insulation. If you would have told me that I would become a student of wall insulation, I would have laughed so hard...
So it seems the insulation is safe. Keep demolishing, please.
This job so far, probably took him a few days, maybe three. The boring part is that after you demolish, you need to clean up. Sometimes, cleaning up takes more time than the demolishing itself.
Now it was time to tackle the tub. This was an old cast iron tub that looked a little too old for my taste, so it had to go. The breaking of the tub with a sledge hammer was actually much faster and easier than we anticipated.
And then the cleaning took probably three times as much than the breaking apart.
Until you are involved in a project like this one, you don't realize what's involved and how long it can take. After five days, we still weren't done with the demolishing part. Obviously, we have been working on other rooms as well, but I was thinking this was going to go a bit faster. Oh well, live and learn.
A bathroom reno takes a lot of time to finish. When you plan for this, make sure that you have a blueprint of what you want to do with it. You should be also specific with what you're going to add, like some fixtures or furniture that would go accordingly.